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Baldwin Barmacie: Punch-Drunk Love
The Baldwin Barmacy is not your usual pharmaceutical location. Despite its walls lined with old medicine jars and mints in pill-boxes, the drugs sold here are far more enjoyable than the more common remedies to your winter blues.

The owner, or barmacist if you will, sits me down for a consultation in one of the white leather seats that line the bar and prescribes me the elixir of choice for the evening: the Bourbon Punch. It took some convincing to extract the mysterious secret ingredients of the concoction, as the punch is the product of some extensive laboratory trial and error experimentation in the ever-lasting search for a new Mojito-like potion. The Bourbon Punch is a fresh, fruity and lethal brew.

Sure, it smells like a pocket full of daisies and tastes like the Mediterranean sun, but don’t let its sweetness fool you even the most expert drinker will have trouble putting words together after a few too many. If mint doesn’t tickle your fancy, then the Miss Baldwin wins the popular vote, and the grand Cosmo Royal or the Lionel are next on the list.

Bourbon Punch

Crème de Cassis
Cranberry Juice
Fresh Mint
Fresh Lemon Juice

Crush the mint with the bourbon, lemon and cassis, add the cranberry juice.
Shake. Add soda to taste.

Baldwin Barmacie
115, Laurier W. | 514.276.4282

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