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Thee Silver Mt. Zion: The Collapse of Tradition

For a band with countless stories and many chapters written/unwritten and sung/unsung, the release of Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra’s new record, Kollaps Tradixionales, mark the biggest leap yet in the Montreal band’s decade-old career.

With album number six, former (and soon to be again) godspeed you! black emperor troopers find themselves whittled down to a quintet following many international paths traveled as an eight-headed hydra of sound, but from the fury heard within the walls of Kollaps, you wouldn’t know the difference.

The dual violins are intact with Jessica Moss and Sophie Trudeau layering the air with chordal mayhem, while chanter Efrim Menuck sets fire to his songs, words, and six-string, the whole mess of punk, blues, rock, and noise underpinned by the bomb rhythm section of bassist Thierry Amar and nouveau-venu drummer David Payant (ex-Ideal Lovers).

Sadly, they are heroes abroad and chez nous, but virtually ignored in the East, West, and South of us.

Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra
June 4th 
Ukrainian Federation | 5213, Hutchison


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