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Amanita Bloom: Best Ingested After Dark
Crédit Things have been happening fast for young gunners Amanita Bloom. Very fast indeed.
Things have been happening fast for young gunners Amanita Bloom. Very fast indeed. The Montreal four-piece played their first gig back in 2008 after just a handful of jams, and have since released an EP, followed by their self-titled full-length on the swell Machete Records (home to Cougarettes and Rome Romeo) this month.

The band is spearheaded by singer-songwriter Etienne Morin (ex-The Aversions) and as a whole, they concoct a deliciously catchy aural candy of pop and rock stock, but keep their batch fresh by dousing their sounds with eerie organ, tom tom leads, slide guitar, some serious forays into the stratosphere of the unscripted and improvised, and a cool country blues noir vibe.

With stated international influences ranging from Shocking Blue to Soft Boys to the absolutely incredible Go-Betweens, this band can do no wrong to these ears.

Amanita Bloom
October 30th | Quai des Brumes
4481, St. Denis


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