By: Martine Desjardins, Publisher and Vice President of Newad Publishing
The NIGHTLIFE.CA team is currently living a great, creative and exciting period. Today, we are at the heart of the rapid changes seen by information and communication platforms. We are privileged to count on the active contribution of a young team, composed of many talents. A team that questions and reinvents itself, constantly ready to forge the path towards new trends. And even, on occasion, to create them.
This team supports and participates in the transformation of consumption patterns of cultural information. For several years now, we have been anticipating our readership’s migration towards these new platforms. Therefore, for the last five years, we have devoted our efforts and resources to the development of our Web and Mobile properties.
Wise decision. Our statistics show an exponential growth in the use of our online platforms. In the last five months, NIGHTLIFE.CA’s page views have almost doubled, reaching nearly one million monthly views. This is a very significant result for a niche francophone website.
Launched in December, the NIGHTLIFE MTL iPhone application has been downloaded over 10,000 times and has won the Innovation Award at the recent Grands Prix 2011 de Magazines du Québec. Over 20,000 subscribers receive our newsletter twice a week – it is still popular now, six years after its inception. We are also one of the most active teams when it comes to social media: 12,000 fans interact with us on Facebook and 8,500 follow us on Twitter.
Thus, we have reoriented our resources. We invested in and developed a comprehensive digital offering. This accomplishment brings new possibilities, for both content creation and for our advertisers.
Today, NIGHTLIFE.CA is entering a new phase of its evolution, by changing its publication frequency to four issues a year. You will have the opportunity to discover the first quarterly issue of NIGHLIFE.CA this fall. In the meantime, the summer edition, covering the months of July and August, will be available on July 13th.
We recognize that this decision may disappoint some readers and perhaps some collaborators. Know that the choice to consolidate our forces and resources in our Web and Mobile platforms was not taken lightly. We hope that you understand that this new reality and these new challenges necessitate the change.
This solidifies our mission. We will inform, inspire and entertain you online – more than ever – every day. And four times a year, we will do the same with NIGHTLIFE.CA magazine. We will carry on our collaborations with Quebec’s best creative talents, who consistently continue to join our team.
In the coming months, we will enrich our online offering by incorporating several new features. Meanwhile, Newad Publishing, which includes NIGHTLIFE.CA, is expected to grow in 2011-2012, in terms of custom content creation for national clients (texts, photos, videos). We have already begun important mandates of that nature.
We are privileged to continue to count on the unwavering and valuable support of our partner advertisers who have embraced the advantages of our integrated solution (Web, Mobile, Print, Media Creativity, Events).
Our popular launch evenings that honour the newest NIGHTLIFE.CA edition will continue – they represent the commitment of a growing, enthusiastic and engaged community. This community is composed of you, dear readers. We thank you for your genuine engagement, your comments and your contribution to Montreal’s cultural vitality. You are our first source of inspiration.
We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the new content NIGHTLIFE.CA magazine will offer in the fall.
The coming weeks will be stimulating, under the auspices of creativity. We will once again have the opportunity to unite our teams through a mobilizing project: designing the first issue of the NIGHTLIFE.CA quarterly in a way that makes it more timeless, seasonal and thematic.
In closing, let us emphasize Newad’s outstanding contribution – one that continually supports NIGHTLIFE.CA’s evolution and its unique role in Montreal’s and Quebec’s cultural landscape. From this perspective, Newad remains a discreet casting director who has actively contributed to the dissemination of national and international talents in Montreal, for almost ten years now.
Thank you and have a wonderful summer!