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Reward yourself with a conscientious breather at Café Falco

A master of ashtanga yoga once said that the discipline was 99% practice and 1% theory. I’d venture the same applies to the soothing culinary and coffee laboratory that is Café Falco.

These days, the Mile-End’s tranquil warehouse district, once upon a time the hub of a prolific garment industry, doesn’t come close to catering to those urbanites perennially on the hunt for the next hip eatery or happening drinking hole. That’s really my only theory for how this harmonious space has remained the well-kept secret of neighbouring Ubisofters and various De Gaspé office folk.

Falco has a minimalist elegance, a marriage of industrial design (grey concrete floors, lots of stools and high ceilings with metal piping) and detail-oriented aesthetic touches (a hammock suspended next to piles of art mags, a vintage sewing machine – hinting at the area’s former life – and wooden workbenches displaying glass beakers and burners used to produce their delicious siphon coffee). And it all comes together thanks to Frédérik Foument and his wife, Tokyo-bred owner Yuko Toda.

Drop by on a Saturday to order their comprehensive Japanese-inspired brunch menu ¬ miso soup, salad, stir fry, orange juice, coffee and a mini matcha and chocolate chip cupcake. If you’re pondering over the quintessence of quality time, look no further.

Café Falco
5605 De Gaspé | Rosemont

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