Having met a number of Montreal musicians while assembling Pop’s compilation, he decided to throw caution to the wind and birth Passovah Productions by throwing his first show at the sadly defunct Friendship Cove. Five years after successfully promoting that blowout featuring Telefauna, Mixylodian and Fort Miracle, the little company that could is stronger than ever.
Passovah has at its heart been a champion of the local sound, often working with artists before they break out of the mould ‘ici’ for greener and greater pastures. On top of promoting a hundred-odd concerts over its existence and hosting killer anniversary shows every February, Passovah boldly ventures into new territory this week with a too-hot-to-handle no-frills Summer Fest. As Bick simply states, “24 Acts. 2 Nights. 15 minute sets. Good vibes!” Confirmed artists represent the bold and the beautiful, the old and the new: Parlovr (pictured), Jef Barbara, Maica Mia, Technical Kidman, Valleys, Special Noise, Darling Demaes, Freelove Fenner, CTZNSHP, James Irwin, Royal Palms, Cobra and Vulture and Caroline Keating among them. Killer.
Passovah Summer Fest
August 17-18 | Il Motore
179, Jean-Talon W.