"Really, we grew up with fruit; we cultivated fruits and fruits seduced us. But we got so good at cultivating fruit that we made it into a monoculture. Since then, we’ve sort of lost that connection. It’s inside of us, it’s in our DNA – we just need to unlock it. That’s what was driving me when making this movie: how to find the fruit hunter within."

Stills from The Fruit Hunters
"I think that is very telling of the power of fruit. It’s not the physical fruit itself, the apple or whatever, but the story and memory that you have around it, that explain why it’s your favourite fruit. That’s very profound."
(laughs) "You know, it started to become a motif in the film; the people we interviewed were using sexual references in talking about them. And I do agree with a character in the movie that fruits aren’t shy about sexuality… They know what their purpose is – they’re bred to seduce us. I feel that erotic element is very much a part of what fruits are. If you think about vegetables, for instance, like broccoli, it’s not that erotic. That’s why fruits are fruits – because they have colour, shape and represent erogenous zones of our bodies! (laughs) I had to put that in the movie; it had to get pornographic."

Bill Pullman in The Fruit Hunters
"What was fun about Bill’s involvement in The Fruit Hunters is that he never took on the position of an advocate for fruit. I remember a producer saying that Bill should have been a farmer instead of an actor, because it’s in his nature to be this down-to-earth, everyman character."
"As I found out through asking fruit hunters, all fruits can be your favourite, depending on when and where you eat a particular variety. But a few highlights for me were tasting a Burmese grape in Hawaii – it was sort of like popcorn candy, a delicious little fruit – and eating a fresh mangosteen in Borneo on a boat, which was pretty amazing. And durian really has a bad rap. It’s supposed to be a really stinky fruit, but I’ve had durian that are so flavourful and fresh that they don’t smell at all. In fact, it’s quite fragrant. An acquired taste, very complex; it’s like eating a Roquefort cheese, it’s very complex."
The Fruit Hunters
Now playing at Cineplex Odeon Forum (with English subtitles) and Cinéma Excentris (with French subtitles)
Book signing with author Adam Leith Gollner on Sunday November 25 at 5:10 p.m.
eyesteelfilm.com | cinemaexcentris.com