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Sean Nicholas Savage – A Man On A Mission

To enter into the world of Sean Nicholas Savage is to get lost in the head of a perpetual musical dreamer, an artist challenged only by himself and the grand aural visions that swerve with verve before his eyes, episodes that you and I don’t have privy to. What we are let in on are those thoughts and sounds that make their way to pen and paper, instrument and tape recorder. Only four years into a career that’s been intimately linked to the city’s fertile Arbutus Records stable (hello Grimes, TOPS, Majical Cloudz, Braids, Doldrums, Tonstartssbandht) and the near mythical anything-goes breeding ground of the now RIP art space Lab Synthèse, the twenty-odd year old Savage has somehow managed to bring to life no fewer than nine records, to most musicians a lifetime’s body of work. 2011 alone saw him drop Flamingo, Won-Ton Jaz and Trippple Midnight Karma, but without a doubt his crowning glory – so far – is last year’s excellent, hypnotic, and captivating Other Life.

Is he a nu-crooner for the post-new millenia set? A perpetual sound-shifting shit disturber? Is he too cool or uncool for the new school? Well, he’s all of the above. Aptly described by his label as a “contemporary incarnation of singers like Elvis or Madonna”, Sean Nicholas Savage takes us on an acid trip of pop, disco lite, rhythmed beats, and true blue soul, winning over each listener one heartfelt verse-chorus-verse at a time. Rarely will you find a truer original. Luckily for us, Sean lives in our backyard.

Sean Nicholas Savage
Casa del Popolo
Saturday December 7th

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