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Akron/Family: American trio continues to confound on its sixth album

The U.S.A.’s Akron/Family continues to confound…in a very good way. Case in point: their brand new disc – number five if you’re counting – S/T II: The Cosmic Birth and Journey of Shinju TNT, out February 8th.

The music jumps higher and delves deeper into the great unknowns as compared to the beautiful mess that came before, an uplifting patty-cake of noise rock, free jazzbo experimentation and, heard below the crunches, zaps, beeps and bangs, honest-to-god pop music.

Still working as a trio, rumors abound the creation process for their new baby Shinju – in a cabin in Japan on the hills of an active volcano? Wtf!?! – but what we do know for sure is that it was birthed with the aid of Chris Koltay, a man who’s boarded for Liars, Women, DeerhunterHoly Fuck and No Age, in an abandoned train station in Detroit Rock City. Whoah!

February 19th | Il Motore
179 Jean-Talon Ouest
with Delicate Steve