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PS I Love You: Former solo project makes a lively two-piece
Paul Saulnier still blesses the day he crossed paths with drummer Benjamin Nelson. Prior to their fateful encounter, Saulnier handled all aspects of the PS I Love You band, from the writing to the playing to the singing, taking his music to weirder planes, loopy levels and experimental tangents.

Not so anymore. Firmly ensconced as a two-piece, the band’s debut – Meet Me at the Muster Station – dropped last fall and highlights the new direction, heavy on the indie rock tip à la ‘90s ethos in a battle with driving beats.

While the shit gets loud the songs stay short, clocking in at around three minutes, and feature a true collision between a wall of rhythm and solo guitar shredding, Saulnier’s wailing vox and buried pop melodies. They must be seen to be believed, the skinny drummer with the military precision, and the big man with the child-like voice, deft fingers and pumping foot keyboard.


PS I Love You
April 8th | Casa del Popolo
4873, St-Laurent
with Royal Bangs and Matters

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