The world of illustration is for many of us an unknown realm. Unlike filmmakers or photographers, illustrators are still too often relegated to the underground. For almost thirty years now, Pol Turgeon has devoted his life to the images that live inside his head. Whether working on commission or for the pure pleasure of drawing, his eccentric and creative style has awarded him more than a hundred prizes internationally.

Pol Turgeon illustration
An artist, a signature
A joyful Turgeon leans back in his chair, chuckling freely at his own comments and telling me that “people are attracted to artists with a unique vision. When I work under commissions, sometimes I am asked to do what was already seen yesterday and I try really hard. But when I have an adventurous client, that’s when I can truly explore and let go.” He believes there are no limits when it comes to art. Pol is his own harshest critic and the best part of doing what he does, he says, is when he surprises himself. “My best pieces are always when I let my imagination flow and once they are done, I stop and say: “Wow, where did that come from!?”
While he loves Montreal and is happy to be exhibiting his work in Quebec, most of Pol’s success has taken place abroad. Being the only Quebecois to have his work exhibited at the Society of Illustrators in New York, Turgeon’s work has gained much more attention in the international arena. But this has not kept him from dabbling in other creative spheres. One of the best examples would be the contemporary dance show (and experimental film) Quarantaine, for which he created a series of portraits of the dancers that were projected at SAT and included in the film.
Pol Turgeon Illustration
Photo by Nathalie St. Pierre
Time-tested techniques, young mind
Even though it might sound cliché, Pol tells me that the best advice he has been given is to always stay positive and not take oneself too seriously. “The most important thing one has to do is to be able to step back for a moment, look at your work and enjoy it. I used to be too hard on myself, until I discovered I could be like a child again and rid myself of judgment,” he suggests. “One has to strip down one’s thoughts and expose them,” he claims.
After spending most of his life doing illustration, Turgeon still welcomes criticism. “I don’t care if it bothers you, at least it evoked something in you,” he argues, in defense of reviews. To him, there is nothing worse than not being able to reach through and connect to a viewer. “There is this cow I once drew with a woman’s body that always seems to insult my female spectators. But I only painted it because I was supposed to draw a cow for a company, and in French the word cow is a female word. So I drew its body like that, with no other intent. But sometimes it is misinterpreted. But I still like it.”
Turgeon has a series of projects on the go and, boosted both by fans and detractors, he continues to feed his fertile imagination by producing anthropomorphic creatures. He’s not afraid of journeying wherever his idiosyncracies may take him.
Pol Turgeon exhibit| June 23 to August 20 | Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal | 465 Mont-Royal E. | polturgeon.com
Illustrator Pol Turgeon was kind enough to send NIGHTLIFE.CA an exclusive clip culled from many Flüx animations he’s whipping up for his upcoming Maison de la culture exhibit.